BC G-PARK class A, str. Krasylivska 9, Holosiivska metro station.
Office with an area of 566.8 square meters (including a factor of 1.15) in G-PARK shopping center.
BC G-PARK class A, str. Krasylivska 9, Holosiivska metro station.
Office with an area of 209.6 square meters (including a ratio of 1.15) in the G-PARK shopping center.
BC G-PARK class A, str. Krasylivska 9, Holosiivska metro station.
Office with an area of 357.2 square meters (including a factor of 1.15) in the G-PARK shopping center.
BC G-PARK class A, str. Krasylivska 9, Holosiivska metro station.
Office with an area of 692 sq.m (including a ratio of 1.15) in the G-PARK shopping center.
BC G-PARK class A, str. Krasylivska 9, Holosiivska metro station.
Office with an area of 700 sq.m (including a factor of 1.15) in the G-PARK shopping center.
BC G-PARK class A, str. Krasylivska 9, Holosiivska metro station.
Office with a total area of 653 sq.m (including a coefficient of 1.15) on the 10th floor of the G-PARK shopping center.