An office of 336 square meters is offered. BC Renaissance.
- A diesel generator is installed
- Lvivska Plosha near
- Metro station Zoloti vorota
- Office - 336 square meters
- 1st floor
Offer to rent an office in the Renaissance business center on St. Bulvarno-Kudryavska, 24 (Vorovsky). The building of the business center, built in the Ukrainian Baroque style by the Kyiv merchant guild in 1898, belongs to the architectural monuments.
Installed and installed: air conditioning and ventilation system, fire alarm system, smoke removal system, voice alarm system about fire. There is a shelter, a generator.
Planning - offices, bathrooms, kitchen.
- The rental rate is $12 per square meter including VAT.
- operating payments - $ 6 per sq.m. with VAT.